Best hobbies for a banker

These are the best hobbies for people who work in finance! Enjoy


This and other card games are a great way to be social and also enhance your risk-benefit assessment skills, and learn to read other human’s non-verbal communications. So get your friends together for an old-fashioned poker night once a week. If you gain proficiency, you might try making a bit of cash on the side as one of your many streams of income. Start off small and work your way up.



Mastering the techniques of a champion may take you the rest of your life, but learning the basics of strategy — observation, planning, judging the quality of an opponent’s skill — can be picked up relatively swiftly. Moreover, these are skills that you can apply to every life situation, and which will stand you in good stead in the realm of interpersonal interaction.



I cannot stress enough how vital it is to your life to be well-read. Push beyond magazine articles and blog posts, rediscovering the novel and the serious non-fiction literature. If you think reading isn’t for you, it’s probably because no one ever exposed you to the worlds that await you between the covers of a book. This is a hobby that requires nothing but time. Libraries still exist and will let you borrow books for free, so get there and get on it. It will make you more knowledgeable, more compassionate, more refined, and more awesome on every level.


This is a hobby much like chess, in that it requires you to gain skill in planning, prediction, and observation of how human desires motivate human actions. You need not actively invest capital at first; simply watch the stock ticker, read the reports, and immerse yourself in the business of business.

Music producing

Whether you consider yourself musical or not, you should know that all of us are. In fact, the neural pathways in the brain that language uses are first laid down by rhythm and musicality. There are a number of programs that will allow you to produce your own electronic music and even release it directly onto the web. William Congreve said, “Music has charms to soothe the savage breast.” That can be translated as an understanding of the soothing and elevating powers of music, both producing and appreciating it. Garage band and apple loops are awesome ways to start your own music production, and who knows where it may lead.

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Martial arts

All disciplines require focus and control of applied force. Martial arts also train you to understand how bodies move through space, how to understand your opponents, and how to respect both yourself and others. Engaging in any of the many offered disciplines will improve you both as a man and as a part of the human community.


Fantasy Football

This pastime uses applications of combinatorics and statistics, even if you never knew those were relevant to picking your team. Learn how to work the system by educating yourself in how these maths can work for you. Some say it’s down to luck but it’s really down to knowledge and skill. It also makes every game at the weekend interesting.


Golf is a fantastic way to get a lot of fresh air and exercise. However, to gain skill in this sport, you need to work on developing your spatial reasoning skills, as well as understanding how things like wind impact the trajectory of your ball. In the process, you’ll learn the proper posture and form of a great swing — which is part of conditioning your body to act with precision and power on demand. It’s also not a bad way for impressing the boss as many million dollar deals have been made on the golf course.


Foreign language

America is one of the least proficient countries in polyglot fluency. Learn a new language, especially one spoken in your community, and remove the veil of ignorance that hangs between you and what those people in the grocery store were saying. The majority of jobs in Europe and Asia require a foreign language so why not get the jump on it now.

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